Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for Mobile AD-HOC Network
Version 2 2024-06-18, 14:36Version 2 2024-06-18, 14:36
Version 1 2023-10-24, 05:07Version 1 2023-10-24, 05:07
posted on 2024-06-18, 14:36authored byGhaith Khalil, Ayoob Ayoob, Su Gang
An Ad-hoc wireless network is a collection of specific infrastructure-less mobile nodes that form a temporary system without any centralized administration. Communication by mobile devices has become more widespread than before because of the recent technological advances in wireless communication. Thus, many routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad-hoc networks. The challenge and a problem were how to enhance the routing performance because issues node mobility and constant topology change. Address this challenge, and many ad-hoc routing protocols have been proposed and implemented, including dynamic source routing (DSR) and on-demand distance vector routing (AODV). This project investigates the performance of two basic reactive routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks, namely, DSR and AODV. A new algorithm that employs the DSR cache for good routing performance is proposed to improve routing between mobile nodes. Simulation software (OPNET) has been used in this study. Comparison these two routing protocols is performed with use parameter metric, number of hops per route, router discovery, throughput, and end-to-end delay in different scenarios. Simulation results show that AODV outperforms than DSR concerning throughput, traffic sent, traffic received, and the number of hops per route.
Regarding delay and route discovery in small nodes, DSR performs better than AODV. However, when the number of nodes is increased, AODV performs better than DSR. The proposed a new algorithm has improved DSR routing protocol by minimum both the delay and time route discovery.
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AN Other book, or book not attributed to Deakin University