Sounds from the Past: An Audio Artwork Developed from Memories of Sri Lankan Emigrants in Contemporary Melbourne.
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posted on 2023-10-26, 02:57authored byTisara Munasinghe Arachchi Lekamlage
Sounds From The Past, an audio artwork developed from memories of Sri Lankan emigrants in contemporary Melbourne, explores the connection between a person’s past sound and music memories, and their experiences of sound and music in their displaced location.
Place is a process, and it is human experience and struggle that give meaning to place. (Harner 2001, p. 660)
Memory is an integral part of our character and individuality wherever we live. Sound memories provide a diverse path through which migrants can preserve knowledge and reconstruct past practices, usually for present purposes. Our communal roots build the social identity, with both geographical and psychological memory offering insights into the very core of our identity.
This research focuses on the sound and music memories Sri Lankan emigrants bring from their mother country, and how second generation immigrants continue to respond to Sri Lankan sounds within the Australian sound and music environment. Ten members of five Sri Lankan families were engaged in recorded conversations regarding their memories of environmental sounds, music, and language, both from their motherland and from contemporary Melbourne.
Their recorded interviews shed insight on the connection between their past and present sound and music memories, and shape the foundation for the Sounds From The Past audio artwork which is intended to provide understanding of, as well as enhance, the immigrant experience.