Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, with more than 80% of the US population classed as regular consumers (Garrett and Griffiths 1998). An analysis of the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) in the US indicates that 870/o of US population over 2 years of age consumed caffeine daily and the average intake in caffeine consumers was 193 mg per day or 1.2 mgkg-l per day (Frary er a/ 2005). SSB were the primary source of caffeine in children and adolescents under 18 years of age and provided between 50-64% of the daily caffeine intake. For adults 18-34 years, SSB provided 30% of total daily caffeine, dropping fo llo/o for adults 34 years and older (Frary et a|2005). The total daily intake of caffeine observed in the CSFII is slightly lower that than observed in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey of Australian adults who reported consuming on average 270 mg of caffeine per day. Caffeine intakes amongst children, aged2 to 14 years, were reported as 17 mg per day. It is suggested that cola flavored SSB provide around 62o/, of this intake (Desbrow et al 2004).
Is the popularity of caffeinated foods mere coincidence? Is the flavor coffee, chocolate, tea and cola soft drinks such that without caffeine they would still be widely consumed? Or is the popularity of caffeine containing foods due to the influence of caffeine in the body?
Title of book
Caffeine : chemistry, analysis, function and effects