Certificate-based signatures: New definitions and a generic construction from certificateless signatures
Version 2 2024-06-17, 09:22Version 2 2024-06-17, 09:22
Version 1 2014-10-28, 10:33Version 1 2014-10-28, 10:33
posted on 2024-06-17, 09:22authored byW Wu, Y Mu, W Susilo, X Huang
Certificate-based encryption was introduced in Eurocrypt’03 to solve the certificate management problem in public key encryption. Recently, this idea has been extended to certificate-based signatures. To date, several new schemes and security models of certificate-based signatures have been proposed. In this paper, we first introduce a new security model of certificate-based signatures. Our model is not only more elaborated when compared with the existing ones, but also defines several new types of adversaries in certificate-based signatures. We then investigate the relationship between certificate-based signatures and certificateless signatures, by proposing a generic construction of certificate-based signatures from certificateless signatures. Our generic construction is secure (in the random oracle model) under the security model defined in this paper, assuming the underlying certificateless signatures satisfying certain security notions.