Conducting polymer-coated textiles possess a wide range of electrical properties. The surface resistivity is influenced by concentrations of the reactants, the thickness of the coating, the nature of the substrate surface, the extent of penetration of the polymer into the textile structure, and the strength of the binding of the coating to the textile surface. Low resistivity in fabric results from highly doped thicker coatings that penetrate well into the textile structure, thus enabling good electrical contact between fibers. Microwave studies showed that conductive textiles are not highly effective as electromagnetic shielding materials owing to their medium-level conductivity and therefore large skin depth. Combined with the fact that coatings are around 1. ?m thick, they cannot act as effective reflective barriers to electromagnetic radiation. However, because they are highly absorptive in the microwave region, absorbing materials can be designed in conjunction with conductive textiles. Study of Fourier transform-infrared spectra of aged polypyrrole films has shown an increase in intensity of an ?,?-unsaturated conjugated carbonyl peak that may be linked to the increase in resistance but cannot be the only factor, because the rate of electrical decay was influenced by several factors such as temperature, the type and concentration of the dopant, and the aging time, all of which signify a complex mechanism of degradation of conductivity. Degradation is a major concern for conductive textile systems that needs to be characterized before considering these materials for potential applications.