Deakin University

Energy-Efficient Technologies in the Apparel Industry: Limitations of Existing Energy Research

posted on 2020-01-01, 00:00 authored by Dumindu Soorige, Gayani KarunasenaGayani Karunasena, Hong Xian LiHong Xian Li
Energy efficiency enhancement is one of the major pillars to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 07. According to the latest statistics of the globe on SDG 7, the rate of energy efficiency enhancement is not in satisfactory level to achieve the target which is to maintain at least 2.7% until 2030 (United Nations 2019). Therefore, strong interventions are required globally to facilitate the maintenance of the rate of energy efficiency improvement. Among those interventions, development of policies and strategies based on the evidence-based research nationally and internationally is identified as a sound mechanism to support the energy efficiency improvement (United Nations 2019). On the other hand, adoption of the energy-efficient technologies is the major mechanism of enhancing the global energy efficiency (Ruby 2015; Schubert and Stadelmann 2015; Trotta 2018). Accordingly, it is vital to examine the current availability of research on energy-efficient technologies which can be used for the development of the research-based policies and strategies for energy efficiency enhancement. The scope of the entry is limited to the energy-efficient technologies in the apparel industry considering the significance of the apparel industry when it comes to the global energy consumption. According to Jananthant et al. (2006) as cited in Islam (2016), apparel industry is one of the leading energy-consuming industries in the world. Further, according to Islam (2016), the fashion industry is the second largest source of environmental pollution due to generation of the 10% of the global carbon emissions as a result of the energy consumption. Therefore, it is significant to focus on the energy efficiency enhancement of the apparel industry. In supporting that, this entry has been developed using a literature review based on the Scopus database, focussing on the status of energy-efficient technology research in the apparel industry. First, the entry discusses on the energy efficiency in buildings with the special attention to the need for energy-efficient technologies in buildings and the energy efficiency paradox. Then, the relationship between the SDG 07 and the energy efficiency research is revealed. Thereafter, the limitations of research on energy-efficient technologies in the apparel industry are discussed which is broadly divided into subareas as energy-efficient technologies in the apparel industry and limitations of the energy-efficient technology research. The limitations of energy-efficient technology research include limitations of the research on efficient technologies identification and limitations of the research approaches for energy-efficient technology adoption. Ultimately, recommendations to enhance the research on energy-efficient technologies and the conclusion of the study are given.










Publication classification

B1 Book chapter


Filho WL, Azul AM, Brandli L, Lange Salvia A, Wall T


Springer International Publishing

Place of publication

Cham, Switzerland

Title of book

Affordable and Clean Energy


Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Usage metrics

    Research Publications


    Ref. manager