This chapter argues that globalisation, culture and e-business exist in interesting ways that challenge accepted norms of interpretation about business practice in the new century. There appears to be a paradox of parallel business practice of defacto standards versus a culture of micro management. Discourse has been constructed that accepts the parallel existence and the co-existence of two layers operating within the business world. The international layer of standards, albeit defacto, co-existing with a layer of cultural difference supported by Guanxi and cultural values and cultural practice. This chapter argues that the one doesn't challenge the other. Rather, the one compliments the other. They co-exist and create economies of scale, deliver efficiency, deliver cost effectiveness, deliver productivity savings, solve currency trade problems, solve logistics problems, solve tracking problems, and deal with the imperfections in the marketplace. The two levels, it is argued, encourage collaboration and foster necessary cooperation along the supply chain. The end result is a world of e-business that benefits international business.