Current similarity-based approaches of predicting protein functions from protein-protein interaction (PPI) data usually make use of available information in the PPI network to predict functions of un-annotated proteins, and the prediction is a one-off procedure. However the interactions between proteins are more likely to be mutual rather than static and mono-directed. In other words, the un-annotated proteins, once their functions are predicted, will in turn affect the similarities between proteins. In this paper, we propose an innovative iteration algorithm that incorporates this dynamic feature of protein interaction into the protein function prediction, aiming to achieve higher prediction accuracies and get more reasonable results. With our algorithm, instead of one-off function predictions, functions are assigned to an unannotated protein iteratively until the functional similarities between proteins achieve a stable state. The experimental results show that our iterative method can provide better prediction results than one-off prediction methods with higher prediction accuracies, and is stable for large protein datasets.
first published in 2010 in CMBB 2010 : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering, Qiquihar, China , 25-26 Dec. 2010.
Publication classification
B1.1 Book chapter
Copyright notice
2012, Springer
Zhu E, Sambath S
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Place of publication
Berlin, Germany
Title of book
Information technology and agricultural engineering