Material culture and contested heritage in tourism
Version 2 2024-06-17, 14:20Version 2 2024-06-17, 14:20
Version 1 2015-06-24, 09:33Version 1 2015-06-24, 09:33
posted on 2024-06-17, 14:20authored byT Winter
Contestation is a central element of heritage tourism. This chapter examines issues of contestation in relation to material cultural heritage with special attention given to the built environment, and archaeological and architectural sites. The relationship between tourism and material heritage is characterised by contestation in multiple ways and different scales and includes concerns over values, over space, over materials, over meanings, and over ownership. Using examples drawn from emerging economies as well as more developed destinations the chapter emphasizes the need to pursue these issues through a number of analytical lenses that draw upon different conceptual understandings of heritage and tourism and pursue a range of methodological strategies capable of unearthing the complexities of the contested relationship between tourism and material culture.