Weldability and machinability of duplex stainless steel
Version 2 2024-06-06, 08:38Version 2 2024-06-06, 08:38
Version 1 2016-04-29, 15:55Version 1 2016-04-29, 15:55
posted on 2024-06-06, 08:38authored byA Pramanik, AK Basak, J Nomani, G Littlefair, MN Islam, V Anandakrishnan
This chapter investigates two important processing methods, such as welding and machine of duplex stainless steel. The welding process welding generally degrades the properties of these materials by redistributing the phases during melting and solidification. On the other hand, the redistribution during machining mainly take place combined effect of stress, strain rate and temperature. Mechanism of machining process and several welding methods has been analysed in details. It was found that outcomes of welding processes depend on the welding methods. Most of the cases an appropriate annealing process can be used to restore the expected properties of the weld joints though the parameters of annealing process are different in different welding methods. Nonmetallic inclusions and the low carbon content of duplex stainless steel reduce the machinability of duplex stainless steel. SEM and optical microscopic details of the frozen cutting zone and chips revealed that the harder austenite phase dissipates in the advancement of the cutting tool, being effectively squeezed out of the softer ferrite phase. Abrasion and adhesion were the most common wear modes developed on the flank and rake faces. Adhesion wear being the most prevalent on the flank face, appeared to be initiated by built-up edge formation.
Chapter number
Publication classification
B Book chapter, B1 Book chapter
Copyright notice
2015, Nova Science Publishers
Pramanik A, Basak AK
Nova Science Publishers
Place of publication
New York, N.Y.
Title of book
Stainless steel : microstructure, mechanical properties and methods of application