This chapter provides a historical overview of Yogācāra in India,
including its place in Indian Buddhist doxography; its representative
thinkers and commentators from the fourth through to the eleventh
centuries, as well as important Yogācāra scholars from the Tibetan
tradition; the school’s main scriptural sources (Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra;
Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra; Abhidharma-samuccaya; Abhidharma-kośa;
Mahāyāna-saṃgraha; Madhyānta-vibhāga; Viṃśikā; Triṃśikā); key
doctrines (such as buddhahood; seeds; base consciousness; five sense
consciousnesses; mental factors; three wheels; three natures;
dependent arising; idealism); Yogācāra psychology and meditation
theory; and Yogācāra soteriology and hermeneutics.