Deakin University

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Not Here To Make Friends

posted on 2024-02-21, 04:21 authored by Jodi McAlisterJodi McAlister
Not Here To Make Friends






Research statement

Background The phrase “romantic love” contains both emotional (“love”) and narrative (“romance”) components. Almost all of my research focuses on the latter, seeking to understand the way we tell stories about love, particularly in popular culture. My research covers popular romance fiction and reality dating shows (especially The Bachelor/ette), and I have published a considerable amount of scholarship on both. In Not Here To Make Friends (NHTMF), a romance novel set on a reality dating show, I approach these forms not just as critic but as creator; and work through many of the ideas expressed in my scholarly work in a creative arena. Contribution NHTMF complements a significant amount of my work; especially on The Bachelor/ette. In my scholarly publications, I critically interrogate the way franchise constructs romance narratives; & interrogate this in more granular detail in my episode recaps (cf. NTRO portfolio). Here, I put these ideas into practice & create my own romance narrative. This is also a method of communicating these ideas to a broad audience outside academia, thus taking up Gilbert Rodman’s provocation that “cultural studies needs to start working from the terrain of the popular, rather than simply writing/theorizing/teaching about the popular from within the university” (2016, 397). Significance NHTMF is published by Simon & Schuster, a Big Five publisher. It received a positive review in the New York Times, which led to the series being electronically published in North America. I have made many media appearances since its publication, including being profiled by the ABC and appearing on national radio. Here, I have appeared as both author and scholar, allowing me to discuss NHTMF within the context of my scholarly practice and ensuring the ongoing impact and wide dissemination of my research.

Publication classification

JO3 Original Creative Works – Textual Work


Simon & Schuster

Place of publication

Sydney, NSW.

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