RFID technology promises to revolutionize supply chains and usher in a new era of cost savings, efficiency and business intelligence. The use of low cost RFID devices in supply chain management systems has been increasing dramatically. While a lot of research has been carried out in trying to make a completely RFID enabled global supply chain a reality there still remains a number of hurdles to be surmounted before that vision can be realized. In this paper, we analyze the specific requirements of a RFID enabled global supply chain. Then we develop and present a RFID architecture that is optimized for developing global supply chain applications but is also fully compatible with the currently used RFID architectures. Finally we do a comparative analysis of our framework with the current RFID architecture standard showing our framework has a number of significant advantages over it.
International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (11th : 2009 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
313 - 320
Association for Computing Machinery
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Place of publication
New York, United States
Start date
End date
Publication classification
E1.1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2009, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
G Kotsis, D Taniar, E Pardede, I Khalil
Title of proceedings
iiWAS 2009 : Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services