Deakin University

A properly pragmatist pragmatics

conference contribution
posted on 2016-01-01, 00:00 authored by Cathy LeggCathy Legg
This paper takes indexicality as a case ­study for critical examination of the distinction between semantics and pragmatics in current mainstream philosophy of language. Both a ‘pre­indexical’ and ‘post­indexical’ analytic formal semantics are examined and found wanting, and instead an argument is mounted for a ‘properly pragmatist pragmatics’, according to which we do not work out what signs mean in some abstract overall sense and then work out to what use they are being put; rather, we must understand to what use signs are being put in order to work out what they mean. This move is highly congenial to recent Brandomian explorations of the pragmatic topography of the space of reasons (e.g. Kukla and Lance, 2009), to which comparisons and contrasts will be made.



Eugene, Or.

Start date


End date


Publication classification

EN.1 Other conference paper

Title of proceedings

SIAP 2016 : Proceedings of the 2016 Summer Institute in American Philosophy


Summer Institute in American Philosophy. Conference (2016 : Eugene, Or.)


[Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon]

Place of publication

Melbourne, Australia