The aim of this paper is it to identify whether Australian media companies moved online with a clear business model in mind or in an ad-hoc manner. In-depth interviews were conducted with four Internet media managers from two large Australian media organisations. All four had been involved in Web publishing from its early stages and had extensive knowledge of the development of Web publishing in the industry. The interviews focused on the period around the mid 1990’s when the early development of the organisations’ websites took place. We also review an analytical approach of examining narratives from research interviews developed by Davidson (Davidson 1997) and Mishler (Mishler1986a, 1986b).
Title of proceedings
ICEIS 2001 : Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Setúbal, Portugal, July 7-10, 2001.
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (3rd : 2001 : Setúbal, Portugal)