This paper explores the role and percept¡ons of an¡mals in internat¡onal development efforts and the possible contradictions between differing priorities of agencies involved in internat¡onal charitable efforts. The description ofthe differing descriptions of purposes in the (England and Wales) Charities Act of 2006 prov¡des a good starting point. There are many available purposes for charities, and although having one purpose does not preclude a second, organizations concerned with animal welfare appear to be quite d¡stinct from those work¡ng for poverty alleviation in the developing world. A fun and novel gift of a donkey may equally be perceived as a cruel, environmentally unsustainable and misguided development effort, a valuable asset for a household, or a burden to a household struggling to feed existing mouths..... This paper questions the underlying tensions between human development, animal welfare, and poverty alleviation exploring cultural tensions, philosophical tens¡ons and where areas of common ground may be found.
Australian Anthropological Society. Conference (2009 : Sydney, New South Wales)
1 - 18
[Australian Anthropological Society]
Sydney, New South Wales
Place of publication
Sydney, N.S.W.
Start date
End date
Publication classification
E2 Full written paper - non-refereed / Abstract reviewed
Copyright notice
2009, Australian Anthropological Society
Title of proceedings
The ethics and politics of engagement : Proceedings of the 2009 Australian Anthropological Society Annual Conference