Polymer coatings, especially epoxy and polyurethane paint systems, have been widely used to prevent corrosion of metallic components and structures. However, due to environmental and mechanical effects, the barrier efficiency of the coatings may be substantially compromised during transportation and service, as demonstrated by localized scratches, delamination, or stress-related microcracks. Application of a self-healing coating that can restore damages and recover its performance with minimal external intervention could prevent corrosion at the damaged coating. In this present work, the healing efficiency and long-term durability of Boronic Ester (BE) blended with Polyurethane (PU) as a self-healing system for top side coating of offshore platform structures was investigated. The BE was mixed at a ratio of 50:50 with PU resin and applied as a top layer on a PU coated steel plate with a thickness of approximately 300-350 μm. The healing efficiency, mechanical performance, and durability under simulated environmental conditions such as salt spray and UV were investigated according to the related ASTM standards. As a first step, the electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and 3D profilemeter microscope were used to assess the healing ability of the scratched coating at room temperature and humidity level of 85 %. The mechanical performance of the self-healing coating layer was evaluated using a pull off adhesion test to investigate the compatibility of the self-healing system with the existing commercial PU topcoat system, while a long term 3000 hours salt spray and 4200 hours cyclic UV test were performed to evaluate the self-healing coating's durability in harsh conditions. Preliminary assessment using EIS and 3D profilemeter microscopes on the scratched PU/BE self-healing coating revealed significant healing efficiency of more than 80% for healing condition at ambient temperature and humidity level of 85%. The self-healing coating layer also demonstrated excellent adhesion efficiency, with adhesion greater than 300 psi suggesting good compatibility of the BE-PU layer with commercial PU coating. The salt spray and cyclic UV tests that were performed to determine the durability of the self-healing coating revealed that the 50BE/50PU layer remained intact and exhibited good healing performance with more than 80% efficiency even after exposure to harsh conditions. The findings from the study demonstrated that the BE/PU material has the potential to be used as a self-healing system for topside coating of offshore platforms structures, thereby lowering maintenance costs.