Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is found to be an effective material for the retrofitting of both reinforced concrete (RC) and steel structures. However, retrofitting such structures using CFRP alone is shown to exhibit a premature failure due to early de-bonding of the CFRP laminates from the hosting sur-faces. On the other hand, steel plates are also used separately for the steel and RC structures. However, steel plates usually add the self-weight to the structures whereas CFRP is known for its high strength to weight ra-tio. In the present study, the advantages of both steel plates and CFRP is used to form a hybrid retrofitting sys-tem that is able to withstand the existing load to prevent the failure of the structures. In order to improve the retrofitting efficiency of a steel-concrete composite structures, an experimental investigation is carried out to examine the use of effectiveness of CFRP-steel hybrid retrofitting system.
Thessaloniki, Greece
Start date
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Publication classification
E Conference publication, E1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2016, Concrete Solutions Society
Title of proceedings
Concrete Solutions 2016 : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair