This paper presents a method to classify and learn cricket shots. The procedure begins by extracting the camera motion parameters from the shots. Then the camera parameter values are converted to symbolic form and combined to generate a symbolic description that defines the trajectory of the cricket bell. The description generated is used to classify the cricket shot and to dynamically expand or update the system's knowledge of shots. The first novel aspect of this approach is that by using the camera motion parameters, a complex and difficult process of low level image segmenting of either the batsman or the cricket ball from video images is avoided. Also the method does not require high resolution images. Another novel aspect of this work is the use of a new incremental learning algorithm that enables the system to improve and update its knowledge base. Unlike previously developed algorithms which store training instances and have simple method to prime their concept hierarchies, the incremental learning algorithm used in this work generates compact concept hierarchies and uses evidence based forgetting. The results show that the system performs well in the task of classifying four types of cricket shots.
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (12th : 1999 : Sydney, N. S. W.)