posted on 2005-01-01, 00:00authored byA Youssif, Morshed Chowdhury, S Ray
This paper is a result of a fruitful cooperation between the computer science and the dental diagnosis experiences. The study presents a new approach of applying computer algorithms to radiographic images of dental implantation used for bone regeneration. We focus here only on the contribution of the computer assistance to the clinical research as the periodontal therapy is beyond the scope of this paper. The proposed system is based on a pattern recognition approach, directed to recognize density changes in the intra-bony affected areas of patients. It comprises different modules with new algorithms specially designed to treat the patients’ radiographic images more accurately. The system includes digitizing, detecting the complicated region of interest (ROI), defining reference area to correct any projection discrepancy of the follow up images, and finally to extract the distinguishing features of the ROI as a basis for determining the rate of new bone density accumulation. This study is applied to two typical dental cases for a patient who received two different operations. The results are very encouraging and more accurate than traditional techniques reported before.
43 - 43
Cairns, Queensland
Open access
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Publication classification
E1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2005, IEEE
B Lovell, A Maeder, T Caelli, S Ourselin
Title of proceedings
Proceedings of the Digital Image Computing : Techniques and Applications : (DICTA 2005)