Design science has been championed for several years as a way to address the rigor-relevance divide in the discipline of management. Using our research capabilities to address field problems as opposed to just ‘knowledge gaps’ is argued to be an effective way to make valuable contributions to practice (Huff, Tranfield, & Van Aken, 2006; van Aken and Romme, 2009; van Aken, 2004, 2005). Despite this attention, how design science can be used for management education has not been explored. In this paper, I use design science to create and test an original online management simulation, resulting in an artefact that addresses a teaching ‘field problem’ and elucidates a process for developing research-informed learning tools. This illustrates not only how design science can be used by management educators and the scholarship of learning and teaching but also how the design science research process can result in Mode 2 knowledge artifacts.
Vancouver, B.C.
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Publication classification
EN.1 Other conference paper
Title of proceedings
Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015