Educating students for the future involves providing them with skills to cope with technological change. Schools and teachers have been adapting their practices in mathematics and science to incorporate information and communication technology (ICT) as a routine aspect of learning. However, recent research indicates that not all students have equal access to the technologies they need. A number of reasons are investigated: the location of the schools (regional and rural settings), the capabilities of the teachers and access by staff and students to high quality resources. This paper presents the findings of this research.
National Assocation for Research in Science Teaching. Conference (2007 : New Orleans, Louisiana)
National Association for Research in Science Teaching
New Orleans, Louisiana
Place of publication
[New Orleans, La.]
Start date
End date
Publication classification
E1.1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2007, The Authors
Title of proceedings
NARST 2007 : Restructuring science education through research : Proceedings of the National Assocation for Research in Science Teaching, Annual International Conference