Mg-Zn binary alloys with concentrations between 0 and 2.8wt% Zn have been prepared and processed via hot rolling and annealing to produce specimens with a strong basal texture and a range of grain sizes. These have been deformed in tension, a condition in which the deformation is dominated by prismatic slip. This data has been used to assess the Hall-Petch parameter as a function of Zn concentration for deformation dominated by prismatic slip. Pure magnesium showed non-linear Hall-Petch behaviour at large grain sizes, and this is compared to the values for prismatic slip measured on single crystals. The differences between critical resolved shear stress measurements made through single crystal, polycrystal and mathematical modelling techniques are also discussed.
Magnesium technology 2012 : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Magnesium Committee of the Light Metals Division of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)