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Film grammar based refinements to extracting scenes in motion pictures

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conference contribution
posted on 2002-01-01, 00:00 authored by B Truong, Svetha VenkateshSvetha Venkatesh, C Dorai
To enable high-level semantic indexing of video, we tackle the problem of automatically structuring motion pictures into meaningful story units, namely scenes. In our recent work, drawing guidance from film grammar, we proposed an algorithmic solution for extracting scenes in motion pictures based on a shot neighborhood color coherence measure. In this paper, we extend our work by presenting various refinement mechanisms, inspired by the knowledge of film devices that are brought to bear while crafting scenes, to further improve the results of the scene detection algorithm. We apply the enhanced algorithm to ten motion pictures and demonstrate the resulting improvements in performance.



281 - 284


Lausanne, Switzerland

Open access

  • Yes

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Publication classification

E1.1 Full written paper - refereed

Copyright notice

2002, IEEE

Title of proceedings

ICME 2002 : Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo