Deakin University

Fingerprint recognition system using hybrid matching techniques

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conference contribution
posted on 2007-01-01, 00:00 authored by A Youssif, Morshed ChowdhuryMorshed Chowdhury, S Ray, H Nafaa
With an increasing emphasis on the emerging automatic person identification application, biometrics based, especially fingerprint-based identification, is receiving a lot of attention. This research developed an automatic fingerprint recognition system (AFRS) based on a hybrid between minutiae and correlation based techniques to represent and to match fingerprint; it improved each technique individually. It was noticed that, in the hybrid approach, as a result of an improvement of minutiae extraction algorithm in post-process phase that combines the two algorithms, the performance of the minutia algorithm improved. An improvement in the ridge algorithm that used centre point in fingerprint instead of reference point was also observed. Experiments indicate that the hybrid technique performs much better than each algorithm individually.



234 - 240


Melbourne, Australia

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Publication classification

E1 Full written paper - refereed

Copyright notice

2007, IEEE


R Lee, M Chowdhury, S Ray, T Lee

Title of proceedings

6th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science : (ICIS 2007) in conjunction with 1st IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on e-Activity (IWEA 2007) : proceedings : 11-13 July, 2007, Melbourne, Australia