Teleoperated robotic systems provide a valuable solution for the exploration of hazardous environments. The ability to explore dangerous environments from the safety of a remote location represents an important progression towards the preservation of human safety in the inevitable response to such a threat. While the benefits of removing physical human presence are clear, challenges associated with remote operation of a robotic system need to be addressed. Removing direct human presence from the robot's operating environment introduces telepresence as an important consideration in achieving the desired objective. The introduction of the haptic modality represents one approach towards improving operator performance subject to reduced telepresence. When operating in an urban environment, teleoperative stair climbing is not an uncommon scenario. This work investigates the operation of an articulated track mobile robot designed for ascending stairs under teleoperative control. In order to assist the teleoperator in improved navigational capabilities, a fuzzy expert system is utilised to provide the teleoperator with intelligent haptic augmentation with the aim of improving task performance.
2437 - 2442
Quebec, Canada
Open access
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Publication classification
E1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2007, IEEE
Title of proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2007. ISIC.