Results of forward modelling of acoustic wave propagation in a realistic solar sub-photosphere with a steady horizontal flow are presented. The simulations are based on fully compressible ideal hydrodynamical modelling in a Cartesian grid. The initial model is characterised by solar density and pressure stratifications taken from standard solar Model S, adjusted to suppress convective instability. Acoustic waves are excited by a non-harmonic source located close to and right below the depth corresponding to the photosphere. A series of numerical experiments with coherent horizontal flows of various depths and speeds are carried out. The implemented flow field may mimick horizontal motions of plasma surrounding a sunspot (e.g. local analysis) or differential rotation (global analysis). The influence of steady state on the propagation of the sound waves through the solar interior is analyzed. Time-distance analysis is applied to compute the direct observational signatures of the background bulk motions on the travel times and phase shifts. This approach allows direct comparison with observational data.
624 SP
Sheffield, Eng.
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Publication classification
EN.1 Other conference paper
Title of proceedings
Beyond the spherical Sun : Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I