Improving the kinematic performance of the SCARA-Tau PKM
conference contribution
posted on 2010-01-01, 00:00authored byMats Isaksson, T Brogardh, I Lundbert, Saeid Nahavandi
One well acknowledged drawback of traditional parallel kinematic machines (PKMs) is that the ratio of accessible workspace to robot footprint is small for these structures. This is most likely a contributing reason why relatively few PKMs are used in industry today. The SCARA-Tau structure is a parallel robot concept designed with the explicit goal of overcoming this limitation and developing a PKM with a workspace similar to that of a serial type robot of the same size. This paper shows for the first time how a proposed variant of the SCARA-Tau PKM can improve the usability of this robot concept further by significantly reducing the dependence between tool platform position and orientation of the original concept. The inverse kinematics of the proposed variant is derived and a comparison is made between this structure and the original SCARA-Tau concept, both with respect to platform orientation changes and workspace.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (2010 : Anchorage, Alaska)
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Publication classification
E1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2010, IEEE
Title of proceedings
ICRA 2010 : Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation - 50 years of Robotics