Investigating the anisotropic behaviour of lean duplex stainless steel 2101
Version 2 2024-06-04, 12:46Version 2 2024-06-04, 12:46
Version 1 2017-10-05, 13:11Version 1 2017-10-05, 13:11
conference contribution
posted on 2024-06-04, 12:46authored byAAH Ameri, JP Escobedo-Diaz, Mahmud AshrafMahmud Ashraf, MZ Quadir
The quasi-static mechanical response of hot rolled lean duplex stainless steel 2101 (LDSS 2101) in rolling, transverse and normal directions under compression loading has been investigated for its perceived anisotropic behaviour. Microstructural characterization is performed by optical microscopy and Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) to qualitatively define the influence of the texture by using Taylor factor and grain sizes, and phase boundaries by utilizing the modified Hall-Petch formula. It was observed that LDSS2101 does not show anisotropic behaviour in terms of the mechanical strength but it has a clear anisotropy in the lateral strains; the microstructural explanation of this response may result from the phase boundaries strengthening.