Maximising clinical trial participation - how important is the social context?
conference contribution
posted on 2008-01-01, 00:00authored byM Reaney, J Speight, C Martin
Individuals participate in clinical research for a variety of reasons, dependant not only on the trial phase and their own clinical status but also their sense of optimism, altruism, clinician influence, or financial gain. Practical factors influencing participation may include geographical access, motivation, availability, and language spoken. Widely-used health psychology models (e.g the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Health Belief Model) demonstrate that, in addition to these factors, the primary reason for non-participation in clinical research is social perception of risk. These models detail how beliefs and attitudes toward clinical research develop within, and are influenced by, an individual's social context. Perceived social benefits and barriers toward participation are considered alongside perceived susceptibility and severity of side-effects from participation, or symptoms of disease. A major factor in such models is the subjective norm i.e. individuals' beliefs that important others expect or wish him/her to perform this behaviour, and the motivation to act in accordance with their expectations or wishes. This includes, but is not limited to, the role of the media, peers and family members, clarification of risk associated with trial participation and discussion of comparative risk, and risk equivalence between trials and same treatment outside trials. The workshop will involve a 30 minute presentation from the discussion leaders and a 30 minute group-work session to explore how an understanding of the social context of participation in clinical research can maximise appropriate clinical trial participation.
Annual European Congress (11th : 2008 : Athens, Greece)
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Athens, Greece
Start date
End date
Publication classification
E2.1 Full written paper - non-refereed / Abstract reviewed
Copyright notice
2008, ISPOR
Title of proceedings
ISPOR 2008 : Moving and Improving Concepts & Evidence for Health Care Decisions : 11th Annual European Congress