It is our great pleasure to welcome you all to the biennial ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE'05), held in conjunction with SIGMOD 2005. MobiDE continues its tradition of bringing together researchers and practitioners in databases, mobile computing, and networking, and providing a full day of exciting presentations and discussions. As in previous years, the workshop will serve as a forum to present latest research and engineering results and contributions, and set future directions in wireless and mobile data management.MobiDE'05 is the fourth of a series of workshops that strives to bridge the data management and mobile computing communities. The first MobiDE workshop (MobiDE'99) took place in Seattle in August 1999, in conjunction with MobiCom 1999. The second MobiDE workshop (MobiDE'01) was held in conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS 2001 in Santa Barbara in May 2001. The third MobiDE workshop was held in conjunction with MobiCom 2003 in San Diego in September 2003.The call for papers for MobiDE'05 attracted 33 high-quality submissions, making the selection process very competitive. All papers were reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. Eventually, 12 papers were selected, resulting in an acceptance rate of 36%. The final program covers a broad variety of topics, including mobile systems and applications, location-based data management, wireless sensor networks, and QoS-driven wireless data delivery. We believe that these proceedings will thus serve as a valuable reference point for the latest results on mobile and wireless data engineering. In addition, the workshop program includes a keynote speech by Prof. Michael Franklin of the University of California, Berkeley on "Space, Time, and Other Tricky Issues in Bridging the Physical-Virtual Divide".
Baltimore, Md.
Start date
End date
Publication classification
EN.1 Other conference paper
Copyright notice
2005, ACM
Title of proceedings
MobiDE 2005: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
ACM Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access. International Workshop (4th : 2005 : Baltimore, Maryland)