Two main problems prevent the deployment of peer-to-peer application in a wireless sensor network: the index table, which should be distributed stored rather than uses a central server as the director; the unique node identifier, which cannot use the global addresses. This paper presents a multi-level virtual ring (MVR) structure to solve these two problems.
The index table in MVR is distributed stored by using the DHT technique. MVR is constructed decentralized and runs on mobile nodes themselves, requiring no central server or interruption. Naming system in MVR uses natural names rather than global addresses to identify sensor nodes. The MVR can route directly on the name identifiers of the sensor nodes without being aware the location. Some sensor nodes are selected as the backbone nodes by the backbone selection algorithm and are placed on the different levels of the virtual rings. MVR hashes nodes’ identifiers on the virtual ring, and stores them at the backbone nodes. Furthermore, MVR adopts cross-level routing to improve the routing efficiency.
Experiments using ns2 simulator for up to 200 nodes show that the storage and bandwidth requirements of MVR grow slowly with the size of the network. Furthermore, MVR has demonstrated as self-administrating, fault-tolerant, and resilient under the different workloads.
Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications. Conference (2009 : Canberra, A.C.T.)
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E1 Full written paper - refereed
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2009, IEEE
Title of proceedings
ATNAC 2009 : Proceedings of the 2009 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference