Because of the large stock of steel bridges, the painting cost of their coating systems takes a high portion of the annual maintenance budget. The painting cost for maintaining a steel bridge is higher than the cost for the structural repair, the pavement maintenance, and other performance considering the whole lifecycle of bridges. Furthermore, the condition of the coating system has a great effect on the condition of the structural component under it in addition to the aesthetic perception of bridges. Therefore, it challenges the bridge engineers to search an economic and efficient painting planning for determining the appropriate optimal time to apply a coating maintenance method for each steel bridge. This research proposes a multiobjective optimization strategy to deal with the tradeoff between the painting cost and the structural safety for the steel bridge superstructure using a modified genetic algorithm. A numerical example is illustrated for steel bridges located in Nagoya City.
Banff, Canada
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Publication classification
E1.1 Full written paper - refereed
Title of proceedings
Proceedings of Optimization in Industry ASME Conference 1999