Deakin University

Narrative structure analysis with education and training videos for e-learning

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conference contribution
posted on 2002-01-01, 00:00 authored by Quoc-Dinh Phung, C Dorai, Svetha VenkateshSvetha Venkatesh
This paper deals with the problem ofstructuralizing education and training videos for high-level semantics extraction and nonlinear media presentation in e-learning applications. Drawing guidance from production knowledge in instructional media, we propose six main narrative structures employed in education and training videos for both motivation and demonstration during learning and practical training. We devise a powerful audiovisual feature set, accompanied by a hierarchical decision tree-based classification system to determine and discriminate between these structures. Based on a two-liered hierarchical model, we demonstrate that we can achieve an accuracy of 84.7% on a comprehensive set of education and training video data.



835 - 838


Quebec, Canada

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  • Yes

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Publication classification

E1.1 Full written paper - refereed

Copyright notice

2002, IEEE

Title of proceedings

ICPR 2002 : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition