Deakin University

On the automatic indexing of cricket using camera motion parameters

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conference contribution
posted on 2002-01-01, 00:00 authored by M Lazarescu, Svetha VenkateshSvetha Venkatesh, G West
This paper describes an application of camera motion estimation to index cricket games. The shots are labeled with the type of shot: glance left, glance right, left drive, right drive, left cut, right pull and straight drive. The method has the advantages that it is fast and avoids complex image segmentation. The classification of the cricket shots is done using an incremental learning algorithm. We tested the method on over 600 shots and the results show that the system has a classification accuracy of 74%.



809 - 812


Lausanne, Switzerland

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  • Yes

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Publication classification

E1.1 Full written paper - refereed

Copyright notice

2002, IEEE

Title of proceedings

ICME 2002 : Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo