Phase III randomized double-blind controlled trial of oral risperidone, haloperidol or placebo with rescue subcutaneous midazolam for delirium management in palliative care
Version 2 2024-06-04, 10:05Version 2 2024-06-04, 10:05
Version 1 2022-11-25, 03:52Version 1 2022-11-25, 03:52
conference contribution
posted on 2024-06-04, 10:05authored byM Agar, P Lawlor, S Quinn, G Caplan, B Draper, D Rowett, L Devilee, B Fazekas, C Sanderson, Nikki McCaffreyNikki McCaffrey, J Hardy, B Le, S Eckermann, M Hill, D Currow
Phase III randomized double-blind controlled trial of oral risperidone, haloperidol or placebo with rescue subcutaneous midazolam for delirium management in palliative care