Robust adaptive backstepping controller design for DC-DC buck converters with external disturbances
Version 2 2024-06-02, 13:31Version 2 2024-06-02, 13:31
Version 1 2016-06-07, 22:04Version 1 2016-06-07, 22:04
conference contribution
posted on 2024-06-02, 13:31authored byT Roy, M Mahmud, W Shen, Enamul HaqueEnamul Haque, Aman Maung Than Oo
In modern power electronic systems, DC-DC converter is one of the main controlled power sources for driving DC systems. But the inherent nonlinear and time-varying characteristics often result in some difficulties mostly related to the control issue. This paper presents a robust nonlinear adaptive controller design with a recursive methodology based on the pulse width modulation (PWM) to drive a DC-DC buck converter. The proposed controller is designed based on the dynamical model of the buck converter where all parameters within the model are assumed as unknown. These unknown parameters are estimated through the adaptation laws and the stability of these laws are ensured by formulating suitable control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) at different stages. The proposed control scheme also provides robustness against external disturbances as these disturbances are considered within the model. One of the main features of the proposed scheme is that it overcomes the over-parameterization problems of unknown parameters which usually appear in some conventional adaptive methods. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified through the simulation results and compared to that of an existing adaptive backstepping controller. Simulation results clearly indicate the performance improvement in terms of a faster output voltage tracking response.