Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects have become a proven method of infrastructure procurement to achieve higher rate of economic growth in the most developing countries. However, researches carried out in similar fields have identified that lack of enabling environments hinder implementation of PPPs. Thus, the purpose of
this paper is to propose strategies to create enabling environments for PPP projects in Sri Lanka. Nineteen semi-structured interviews were conducted to ascertain viewpoints of experienced professionals in fields of strategic planning and PPPs. The collected data
was analysed using content analysis techniques. It was revealed that creation of a national PPP policy, establishment of a national PPP unit, creation of a private sector infrastructure development fund and making necessary legislative amendments as key strategies to create an enabling environment for PPPs in any developing nation. This research gives a significant basis of long term and short-term strategies that have to be
made in five fronts of policy, legal, institutional, financial and communication frameworks for enabling PPPs. The proposed strategic outline is probable to implement,
however, it requires a detailed study and further validation prior implementation.