posted on 2010-01-01, 00:00authored byGael McDonald
There is increasing pressure for PhD students to not only undertake their research and prepare their thesis, but to also publish as they go. The pressure to publish is prompted by the ever present need of academics to produce published outputs, but publishing from ones PhD also has the additional benefit of having ones material quality assured and critically evaluated prior to submission of a thesis. This workshop examined the arguments for and against publishing as you go, with a strong bias towards encouraging doctoral students to write conference and journal papers, in addition to their thesis.
Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Conference (24th : 2010 : Adelaide, S.A.)
Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
Adelaide, S.A.
Place of publication
Adelaide, S.A.
Start date
End date
Workshop presented at the ANZAM Doctoral Workshop @ the ANZAM 2010 Conference - Friday 10-Saturday 11 December 2010.
Publication classification
EN Other conference paper
Copyright notice
2010, Gael McDonald
Title of proceedings
ANZAM 2010 : Proceedings of the 24th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Conference : Managing for Unknowable Futures; 2010