To address the challenge of an ageing population in an information society, it is important to introduce information systems to assist the aged people in maintaining and improving their quality of life. An understanding of what information aged people need, how they seek and use information, and how they adopt Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is required. This paper reports the findings of an empirical study undertaken in Australia to understand the information needs of senior citizens who reside in the community. The study aims to understand how ICT can support the independent living of senior people in the community from both the social and health perspectives. We offer a new understanding of the information needs of aged people in the community and extend the information systems research in aged care. This research also contributes to the development of innovative ICT enabled aged care service solutions in community aged care.
Australasian Conference on Information Systems (21st : 2010 : Brisbane, Qld.)
Brisbane, Qld.
Place of publication
Brisbane, Qld.
Start date
End date
Reproduced with the kind permission of the copyright owner.
Publication classification
E1 Full written paper - refereed
Copyright notice
2010, The Authors
Title of proceedings
ACIS 2010 : Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems