Teacher is here to ask for your help : a story of schools, employers and networks
conference contribution
posted on 2005-01-01, 00:00authored byAnnelies Kamp
This paper explores the development of the Jobs4Kids (J4K) campaign, a joint initiative of the SGR LLEN Employer Reference Group and the Beacon Foundation. Involving a three-year business plan, the J4K campaign aims to broker young people into employment in local jobs in the region. The campaign is the result of the intersection between an evolving project within the LLEN and the growth of an established program of the Beacon Foundation. The paper will use a Deleuzian lens to explore the ground shifts that have occurred in the process of forming this connection; I am concerned with the intersecting movements of different orders that have created a necessary transitory coordination. Within such a 'rhizome' there are only lines: dimensional lines of segmentarity and stratification and lines of flight as 'the maximum dimension after which the multiplicity undergoes metamorphosis, changes in nature' (Deleuze & Guattari 1987 p.21). My perspective of this metamorphosis is specifically focused on SGR LLEN; I close with a consideration of the possibilities of this change in nature for the continuing work of the LLEN.
Australian Association for Research in Education. Conference (2005: Sydney, N.S.W.)
1 - 10
Australian Association for Research in Education
Sydney, N.S.W.
Place of publication
Melbourne, Vic.
Start date
End date
Publication classification
E2 Full written paper - non-refereed / Abstract reviewed
Copyright notice
2005, AARE
P Jeffrey
Title of proceedings
AARE 2005 : Creative dissent: constructive solutions: proceedings of the AARE 2005 international education research conference