Primary literacy teacher educators need to re-conceptualise the ways in which they work together to model effective interdisciplinary practice. This paper reports on such practice in a team teaching unit for postgraduate students undertaking the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary/Secondary) at Deakin University, Melbourne. The interdisciplinary (Social Education, Language and Music) unit, a first in the Faculty of Education was conceptualised to challenge both lecturer and student (local and international) to 'rethink' their understandings of pedagogy, multi-literacies and teacher preparedness. For the purpose of this paper, the authors reflect on a particular team teaching experience whereby a text (song) was used to teach both the elements of music and literacy pedagogy. It opened up new possibilities for students to engage and participate with each discipline as well as how one area can inform and further deepen the understanding for learners of the other. For example, musical notation and score was used to explain and use the 4 resource model (Luke and Freebody, 1990). The authors contend that crossdisciplinary work cannot be reduced to simple cooperation among disciplines but that primary literacy teacher educators need to develop new conceptual frameworks for learning that will enhance their understandings of pedagogy and assist in preparing teachers in a challenging world.
AATE/ALEA national conference (2006 : Darwin, Northern Territory)
1 - 10
Charles Darwin University
Darwin, Northern Territory
Place of publication
Darwin, N.T.
Start date
End date
Invalid ISBN provided : 097583563
Publication classification
E1 Full written paper - refereed; E Conference publication
J Rennie
Title of proceedings
Voices, vibes and visions: hearing the voices, feeling the vibes, capturing the visions - proceedings of the AATE/ALEA national conference 2006