Deakin University

The representation of engineering education as a social media topic on Twitter

Version 2 2024-06-06, 12:05
Version 1 2016-07-18, 22:04
conference contribution
posted on 2024-06-06, 12:05 authored by SR Palmer
Online social media systems have created new ways for individuals to communicate, share information and interact with a wide audience. For organisations, social media provide new avenues for communication and collaboration with their stakeholders. The potential value of social media tools to assist in the successful communication and marketing inside and outside of engineering organisations has been identified. In the context of engineering education, the potential of social media to open new modes of communication, interaction and experimentation between students and teachers has also been identified, and a limited number of examples can be found documented in the literature. One of the most widely-used social media tools is the ‘microblogging’ service Twitter. This research presents an analysis of nearly 19,000 tweets relating to ‘engineering education’ collected over a period of almost a year. Social network analysis is used to visualise the Twitter data. The Twitter social media communication is examined to identify who is active on this topic, who is influential, and what is the structure of the online conversations relating to engineering education. This work provides insights regarding how engineering education is currently represented in social media internationally, and offers a methodology to those interested in related future research.





Guimarães, Portugal

Start date


End date








Publication classification

E Conference publication, E1 Full written paper - refereed

Copyright notice

2016, The Author


Lima RM, de Graaff E, Alves A, Menezes A, Mesquita D, Dinis-Carvalho J, Bettaieb L, van Hattum-Janssen N, Costa N, Sousa RM, Fernandes S, Villas-Boas V

Title of proceedings

PAEE/ALE 2016 : Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Combined Conference and Workshop


Project Approaches in Engineering Education and Active Learning in Engineering Education. Combined Conference and Workshop (2016 : Guimarães, Portugal)


Project Approaches in Engineering Education Association

Place of publication

Guimarães, Portugal