Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) play an important role in conserving the marine environment. An integral part of managing MPAs is communicating to its users and the broader community the existence of the park and its regulations. In two studies looking at the Victorian Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries it was found that there was a low level of awareness of the parks existence [1]. Television news was found in both studies to account for the majority of respondents awareness yet television advertisements were the main media used to inform the community, along with signage at parks and sanctuaries [2].
Education and communication are the main ways that management agencies inform the broader community about the parks and the regulations governing their management. They are generally directed at two main groups: formal education within schools and universities and communication towards the wider community. Communicating to the broader community the existence of an MPA is achieved through signs, brochures, self guided or ranger walks. These are developed by education experts within management agencies. Yet little is known of the public’s level of knowledge about MPAs or the marine environment. Therefore, our research aims to discover the communities existing knowledge of MPAs and the marine environment and how this can help create effective communication strategies. This research focuses on the public who use MPAs and the wider community in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia.
International Marine Protected Area Congress (1st : 2005 : Geelong, Australia)
127 - 127
International Marine Protected Area Congress
Geelong, Australia
Place of publication
Geelong, Vic.
Start date
End date
Publication classification
E2 Full written paper - non-refereed / Abstract reviewed
Copyright notice
2005, International Marine Protected Area Congress
A Steiner
Title of proceedings
IMPAC 1 2005 : Proceedings of the International Marine Protected Area Congress 1