The present work examines the microstructure that evolves during the hot deformation and subsequent annealing of magnesium alloy AZ31. In particular, the role of strain on the progression of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and post-deformation recrystallization is investigated. It is found that the grain size developed after post-deformation recrystallization is larger when the deformation strain, and hence the degree of DRX, is low (for strains up to 0.4). Also, the kinetics of post-deformation recrystallization are found to be independent of strain for strain values of 0.4 and above. Whilst increasing strain alters the texture of the un-recrystallized microstructure (for the deformation mode examined), the texture does not change significantly during post-deformation recrystallization.
Magnesium Technology 2010 : Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Magnesium Committee of the Light Metals Division of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)