m-learning in an off-campus environment : using iPods in accounting education
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conference contribution
posted on 2010-01-01, 00:00 authored by Peter David Richardson, Steven Dellaportas, Luckmika Perera, Ben RichardsonThe widening availability of the internet and the popularity of handheld devices such as Apple’s iPod are creating a generation of tech-savvy students who are becoming more demanding for innovative ways of accessing information. In this study thirty iPods were distributed to students studying an exclusively online graduate level accounting program at a mid-sized Australian university. The students were required to use their iPods as part of the course’s online learning environment. At the end of the semester students were given two questionnaires: (1) to illicit their opinions on the usefulness of the iPod as a learning tool, and (2) to establish their learning styles (using a VARK© questionnaire). The findings indicate that flexibility the perceived benefit of using iPods allowing more efficient and effective study time. In particular the mobility (m-learning) that allowed students to take advantage of what would otherwise be down-time such as travelling on public transport. Disadvantages related to the difficulty in reading text on a small screen and the ability to move to particular parts of a recorded lecture with precision. These comments were consistent for all demographics however students with a more visual learning style rated the iPod more important to their learning than other students. This study involved a small sample but the generally positive response to the use of iPods indicates that there would be value in further studies with larger groups.
Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand. Conference (2010 : Christchurch, New Zealand)Pagination
1 - 33Publisher
Christchurch, New ZealandPlace of publication
[Christchurch,New Zealand]Start date
2010-07-04End date
Reproduced with the kind permission of the copyright owner.Publication classification
E1 Full written paper - refereedCopyright notice
2010, AFAANZTitle of proceedings
AFAANZ 2010 : Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual ConferenceUsage metrics
No categories selectedLicence
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