Deakin University

Migrant houses in Northcote, Melbourne, Australia, 1950‐1975

posted on 2024-05-17, 03:19 authored by Mirjana LozanovskaMirjana Lozanovska, Victoria Gantala
The data collection contains documentation of migrant houses in Northcote, Melbourne. It includes photographic documentation of the houses, interviews with the inhabitants, and drawings/sketches of the houses.

The focus of the research is on houses that were built between 1950 and 1975. These houses are themselves a product of the construction skills and processes of post-war immigrants and the waves of 1960s immigrants into Australia from Southern European countries. Typically, these houses are brick veneer and have a strict sense of order and endurance about their design and image of the facade. A series of outdoor and semi-outdoor spaces produce a complexity of inside-outside relations and make possible different lifestyles.

Stories of the migrant house suggest it is an example of what might be called an ‘eco-object’, an object through which ecological practices are interwoven with social and cultural orientations. The houses are also aesthetic artefacts that present a public image through their facades. The project has documented the ‘material history’ of the houses. It illustrates the significance of particular elements/processes including: the terrace, new nature (in the front garden and back vegetable garden), summer kitchen, ongoing construction and storage space.


Project name

Migration + Architecture

Collection start date


Collection end date


Material type

jpeg, pdf, images, text, digital recordings

Resource type





This project examines the interface between migration and architecture, giving emphasis to architecture as cultural product and cultural production. It focuses on the architecture of migrants and their communities, and on the work of migrant architects, a

Copyright notice

2011, Deakin University


390MB (including 500‐700 items) and interview recordings