Regenerative Futures of Mine Sites: Heal the Scar Case Study - Future Scenarios Concept Design
educational resource
posted on 2019-11-29, 00:00authored byPhillip RoosPhillip Roos, David Jones, Alison Potter, Pete Spence, Alex Mcdonald, Tim Angus
Regenerative Futures of Mine Sites: Heal the Scar Case Study - Future Scenarios Concept Design
Deakin University
Start date
End date
The event features an exhibition of the visionary concept designs from the Heal the Scar project, a regenerative-adaptive future proposed for the exhausted Anglesea mine site, concluding with a presentation about the project by Alison Potter, Principal at Grimshaw Architects.
Research statement
This exhibition presented the potentials of ecologically and sustainable design inspired concept designs for the recently closed open cast coal mine site in Anglesea, Victoria, Australia. The fundamental research and investigations of the Heal the Scar Project looks at how can we best rehabilitate exhausted quarry and mine sites and holistically (environmentally, socially, culturally and economically) enriching both the site and its surrounding community.
Publication classification
J1 Major original creative work
15 x Concept Design A0 Exhibition Presentation Boards
Tutt T, Smith D, Halliwell D, Usma Alvarez L, Boyle C, Parton S, Donley C, Stonell N, Williamson D, Rollo A, Esteban Y, Costin G, Afrooz A, Bartesaghi Koc C, Pancholi S, Beza B, Berghofer D, Herron J, Baida M, Tokede O, Sidiqui P, Zeunert J, Walker A, DeKay M, Bennett S, Eccles C, Kennedy M, Threadgold H, Squire D
Live+Smart Research Laboratory Opening Event & Heal the Scar. Exhibition (2019 : Deakin University)
The Live+Smart Research Laboratory, Deakin University