The Little L Project is a Mixed Reality (MR) research project which showcases Victoria's state dinosaur 'Leaellynasaura amicagraphica', providing interactive and virtual reality learning experiences at the National Wool Museum in Geelong. exhibition at the City of Greater Geelong’s National Wool Museum. Exploring how MR experiences can improve engagement with heritage, the interdisciplinary project was initiated by Deakin’s School of Engineering, and developed with palaeontologists from Swinburne’s PrimeSCU and Museums Victoria, as well as museologists from the Wool Museum. Visitors were able to experience a 360-degree video of a dinosaur, a co-creative tactile-immersive MR dinosaur colouring serious game, and a multi-material 3D-printed reconstructed dinosaur skin. The project aligns with Geelong’s new vision, and it featured as a case study in the City’s successful application to become a UNESCO City of Design. The project was also highly commended at the 2018 Victorian Museum Awards.