Caring for Country: Scenic tRim Environmental Art Challenge
Caring for Country: Scenic Rim Environmental Art Challenge
The Centre, Beaudesert, Scenic Rim Regional Council
The Centre, Beaudesert
Place of publication
Beaudesert, QLD
Start date
End date
Material type
Research statement
‘Nil’ is a spoken-word recorded performance and it is in dialogue with the research discussions and findings of two of my TROs (both refereed journal articles):
West, Patrick. ‘Practice-Led Research: Wandering from “Nhill” to “Nil” to “36.3328°S, 141.6503°E”.’ Bukker Tillibul: The Online Journal of Writing and Practice-led Research (vol. 13), 2019, ISSN 1835-0836,
West, Patrick. ‘“Nhill” and the Aboriginal Language Revival Movement: Relational Identity, Short Story Titles and “Contracts of Homophony”.’ TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses (vol. 21, no. 1), April 2017, ISSN 1327-9556,
Questions of language, as spoken and written entities, form a crucial element of engagement with issues of Australian Indigenous sovereignty and post-colonialism. See, for example, Paul Paton’s article ‘Message from the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages’, in Nyernila–Listen Continuously: Aboriginal Creation Stories of Victoria (2014).
‘Nil’ forms part of an ongoing research project centred on the Victorian town of Nhill and it seeks to expose and deconstruct the pretensions of power and knowledge of the English place-name, Nhill. As a spoken-word piece, it explores the similarity of sounds across the English words Nhill and nil and the local Aboriginal word ‘nyell’, from which the word and place-name Nhill historically emerged. How we hear words and sounds of ‘other languages’, from an English-speaking perspective, is a political move, one that this piece seeks to expose and re-imagine in a sympathetic post-colonial fashion.
‘Nil’ resulted from a successful proposal for a spoken-word performance piece to the Caring for Country: Scenic Rim Environmental Art Challenge auspiced by the Scenic Rim Regional Council. It was exhibited, in pre-recorded form, from 16 June to 30 August 2017 at The Centre, Beaudesert, Queensland.
Publication classification
J2 Minor original creative work
Copyright notice
2017, The Creator
Spoken Word Recorded Performance, 23.44 mins. loop, Voices: Patrick West and Emily Thomas, Producer: Simon Wilmot